Sunday, March 8, 2009

Riversdale Group

Hey everybody,
The Riversdale group went to Riversdale on Friday and met with one of the historians. She said they didn't have very much data from Charles Benedict Calvert's era, but did point out a few interesting materials that we could use. Among those were an article referencing one of George Calvert's other children settling in New York and insisting she had "never been a slave", and some copies of the original land records, which should help Jonathan with creating an interactive historical overlay map of the area.
Another interesting fact we discovered as we were leaving - Ed Day, the director of the mansion site, said a local coffin company had discovered records that Charles Benedict Calvert bought coffins "for his slaves" from their company. Our group is planning a return trip on Friday to dig through the Riversdale materials, so we will hopefully have more information then.

-Grace W.

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